Frequently asked questions:

  • How to try a class?

    -Go to ‘Classes’ in the menu bar and hit the more info button. This button will take you to the inquiry page where you will place the time to try a class according to the type of class. You are welcome to observe on/off the mat. If you are wanting to participate we may be able to provide loaners for your class period.

  • Is there a trial period to help me decide if Stronghold Eastlake Jiu-Jitsu is the right fit for me/us?

    -Yes. We offer a three day trial period at no cost. Jiu-jitsu is pretty unique and it may take time for one to understand or comprehend. This trial period should aid in the decision.

  • I am visiting and would like to drop in for a class, what is the drop in fee?

    -Drop in fee is $40

  • I am visiting and have my own uniform (Gi/Nogi), can I wear my uniform with my home team uniform/patches ?

    -Unfortunately not. For the respect of your home academy we recommend to wear blank uniforms.

  • Membership prices?

    - Membership prices are available upon request email:


  1. Wear Shoes/sandals/footwear when off the mat

  2. Utilize changing rooms/restrooom when changing attires

  3. Shower before class and immediately after class

  4. Trim nails and tie hair

  5. Avoid inviting guest over to observe class as seating is already tight *more so for kids classes*

  6. Parents, no coaching on the sidelines. You coach them when they go off the mat for water breaks.


  1. When stepping on and stepping off the mat bow to the center of the mat

  2. No shoes/sandals/footwear on the mat

  3. Greet everyone on the mat with a handshake unless you are the first person on the mat. And at the end of class provide a handshake to your teammates.

  4. Please wear a clean uniform (Gi/nogi) that is free from odor

  5. Please sit up or be in a attentive position while the instructor in showing technique (sitting on knees or criss-cross apple sauce)

  6. No cellphones unless your are recording your techniques or conducting a remote under water basket weaving class

  7. Only use enough intensity to execute technique

  8. Try to arrive on time and stay for the entirety of class

  9. IF injured or limited to certain movements please let the instructor know